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We live everyday going through obstacles and life challenges that give us the opportunity to live out our faith and be more like Christ.

We learn new life lessons and ways to be more like Jesus as we live out the things that come our way. Our faith becomes even more rooted in Him.

We grow more in Christ and His freedom as we learn to live each day focused on Him. Our faith and growth become an encouragment to others.
IN FAITHEncouragement From the Author
Everyone has a story and testimony, but YOU are the only one who has YOURS! Don't be ashamed or embarrassed of it, embrace it and use it to help others.
The more you share it, the more you free yourself, and others!
Give God glory for your story - He is your Testimony!
- Jessica B.

To encourage and grow others with my own personal faith journey and with the love, truth, and faithfulness of Jesus Christ!
In this together.

To grow and advance the Kingdom, one life at a time! To encourage and increase your faith, boldness, and hope in Jesus Christ!
All for His Glory.

Women becoming transformed and set free in Jesus Christ and leading others to do the same through the power of their testimony!
freedom in testimony.
All you lovers of God who want to please him, come and listen, and I’ll tell you what He did for me.
Psalm 66:16 - TPT.
And they overcame him [the enemy] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
Revelation 12:11 - NKJV