The king’s search has begun. Even though he was second guessing his decision, the king moved forward with the search. He was seeking young beautiful women of all ethnicities who were virgins.
Mordecai had adopted his cousin Esther after the death of her parents at a young age, so this made her eligible. Once selected, they entered into the women’s quarters for preparation for the chance to take the place of Queen Vashti.
This preparation took a whole year. Six months of treatment with oil of myrrh and then six months with perfumes and cosmetics. Each woman prepared to be the most presentable and pleasing to the king. After their year was up, the king spent a night with each one. He then chose the one most pleasing to be the new queen.
Esther had favor from the beginning, before entering the palace. She immediately won the attention of the overseer of the women. He granted her special treatment from the get go. She received special individual food service, seven personal maids, and even the best room in the palace. Even insight on how to win the king over.
To please the king, each woman requested something to take from the women’s quarters with her. Following the lead of the overseer, Esther only requested what he told her to. Esther’s beauty and presence alone won the admiration of everyone who saw her. So it was no surprise that the king loved her more than all the other women.
Esther Crowned Queen
Esther was crowned queen and took the place of Vashti. Furthermore, the king threw a feast called the “Feast of Esther”, Purim, and proclaimed it a joyful, gift giving holiday.
At a later gathering, Mordecai heard a plot against the king to kill him. Mordecai relayed word to Esther, then Esther to the king. Although this act earned him favor with the king, he was not honored immediately, but it was recorded in the king’s book.
Take Away
We see how Esther walks in the favor of God even before she enters into the palace. By her presence alone, she was drawing people to her. The leader of the women drew to her immediately, out of all the women entering the palace. Esther received special treatment from the time that she walked in the women’s quarters. Her cousin Mordecai was her watchman and had her back, along with the king’s.
It’s almost like she just walked into the call of God on her life without even realizing or fighting for it, yet Mordecai knew all along. A feast was prepared and named after her in the presence of a man who hated who she was, a Jew.
This is our story, too. You and I walk in the favor of the Lord wherever we go (Prov. 3:4). We are called and chosen for a particular thing in our lives, rather big or small, and we don’t even realize it, yet the ones around us see it so clearly.
We walk through doors that we didn’t open and we sit at tables that we couldn’t prepare (Isa 22:22). There are times that we eat and drink with ones that are above or against our social and economic classes (Ps 23:5). Esther still had not revealed that she was a Jew, and the king’s right hand man hated the Jews.
The Lord lavishes His blessings and favor on our lives and we just walk right into them, not even aware that it is all part of His plan. He places a group of Christ centered friends around us who have our backs. They help us see what we can’t and lead us to Him and our full potential.
Personal Reflection
Can you think of a time or times when the Lord opened a door, or placed you at a table that you know you were unqualified for?
Has the Lord given you your assignment or calling? Or given you a glimpse or specific instructions?
Who do you have in your life that has your back like Mordechai did Esther’s? Who sees the calling on your life and is cheering you on from the entrance gates?
God, thank You for Your blessings and favor that You bestow upon us that we are unaware of daily. Thank You for the path that You lead us on that leads us straight to You and Your plan for our lives. Thank You for placing us in rooms, at tables, and behind doors that we could have never made it to ourselves. We are thankful for the ones that You place in our lives to keep us on track and focused on You. Thank You that we are Your Daughters and Queens. You are the only King that we want to honor and serve. May we always be pleasing and beautiful in Your sight. Amen.