So often we pray prayer after prayer. Lord, let there be breakthrough. Do it, Lord or Do it, again, Lord. Do what only You can do. Make a way out of no way. Let Your presence and power be known. Show up and show out, Lord.
We pray and ask God to do the impossible, and sometimes to fix the tiny things we can do ourselves. We call on Him in times of desperation and need. Most times, He’s our final option of hope and our last resort. And sometimes, all we do is cry out begging and pleading for Him to just fix it. Over and over again. Not putting any effort to see how we can help change the outcome.
Rarely do we stop and look at the situation to consider our part or our participation in the situation. I mean, many times we’re the one who created the situation and now we’re begging God to get us out of it. And as faithful and good as He is, most of the time He will get us out.
We often use prayer as a “good luck” charm.
I feel like we have gotten in the habit of misusing prayer. We have used it as a “genie in a bottle” type request, or a “get me out of jail free” bargain.
Prayer is important and it works. Prayer is always the answer. Because God hears us, our concerns are His concerns, and He is a good Daddy. The scripture says make your supplications known to Him and He will give you peace (Phil. 4:6-7).
But just as important as prayer, taking accountability and responsibility for our own actions and behaviors is important, too (Gal. 6:5).
If we can’t step back, look at the situation from the outside looking in, and try to see where we are able to make a change or do something to help the outcome of the situation, we are holding ourselves hostage and bound to the issue or situation at hand.
Change brings change.
If we want things to change, we must do something different for that change to happen. We have heard it most of our lives, “be the change you want to see”. It’s truth though, how can we see and expect something better if we are not willing to put forth the effort to make things better?
We can’t see the breakthrough, the brighter days, if we are not willing to get out of the patterns and darkness of yesterday.
We can’t keep holding on to the past, hurts, disappointments, fears, let downs, discouragements, and everything else that is keeping us bound and hostage and unable to move forward in life. That’s why we are still where we are, because we have become so comfortable with them and possibly even emotionally attached to them.
So, maybe we switch our prayers from, “God, do this for me” to “God, help me through this”.
This prayer brings forth true healing and freedom.
When we are able to change our prayers, we are able to change our perspective and mindset. As we change our perspective and mindset, we are able to change the outcome of our responses and behaviors to the things we are praying about.
The Truth will set you FREE!
This does not mean that we are doing it in our own strength, we are doing it with the help of Christ, who is strong in us (Phil. 4:13).
However, this does mean that we are healing, and we are growing. We are learning to cast our cares to the one who cares and can help (1 Peter 5:7), likewise to acknowledge that we must take accountability and responsibility for our actions in the situation.
When we can become true, vulnerable, and transparent with ourselves and the Lord, that is when the true freedom and breakthrough will come. It helps us see the cycles and patterns that we have been operating in and allows us to get to the root cause of why and how we got there. Once we allow ourselves to face and overcome these, our whole life changes. We no longer continue in the cycle of the same situations and same circumstances with the same reactions and same behaviors as before.
When we get to this point, our prayers change, our authority changes, and our situations change and resolve quicker. We also allow ourselves to learn and grow from the situation to better help us navigate and be more reliant on the Lord with every situation after it.
So, I encourage you today to heal so your true freedom and breakthrough can come. Of course, for you, but for your family and generations to come. Your freedom today will impact your circle of influence now and the generations that are coming up after you.
You don’t have to do it alone, and you are not supposed to!
Additionally, reach out to someone that you can trust and rely on. Someone that you know has been through and overcame a similar situation, or someone who may be going through a similar one now. The Bible tells us to share our burdens with one another (Gal. 6:2) so that others can help us through them. Be open to this, we all go through things and we all need help and support at some point in life.
Continue to pray. Pray bold and pray big. Pray open and humble. And pray in agreement and alignment with the Lord and His Word. Allow Him to walk you through the situation or concern so that you come out free and victorious on the other side. So that you break through the situation and the cycle that has kept you bound and captive. Pray with your power and authority, as it is already done!
Pray With Me
Father, we thank You that You hear our prayers, and that our concerns concern You. Thank You that You are for us and that You never leave nor forsake us. May we come to You with a repentive and humble heart. Make us willing to admit our wrong and to change the things that are not of You that are affecting the situation or concern. Thank You for being our Strength and Guide. Place godly people in our lives to help us. And continue to do a work in and through us as we learn and grow in every situation that may arise in our life. All glory and honor to you. In Jesus name, Amen.
I’d love for you to share how you have found true freedom through inner healing with me. I’m always looking for ways to heal and grow!
Be blessed!

Your blog is amazing! Thank you for the encouragement and sharing.
This is such a great reminder of how important prayer is in our life. Prayer is a conversation with God that we should have continually. Thanks for this wonderful reminder. Thanks for the prayer it was encouraging. Amen.
I love reading your blogs. I can relate. It’s hard to find that inner peace without God
You are a true blessing. Love and prayers. Carol
Thank you for that encouragement, Carol! It is hard, but once we find it, and remind ourselves of it in the hard times, it makes it much easier to to process! Love and prayers to you, too! Jessica B.